13 JULY 1985, page 19


THE City of London is British Telecom's best market. It is not, though, the best place to buy a telephone. Mine is giving way under the maltreatment of years, and I cranked up......


A BUBBLE marked 'Expletive deleted' hung from the mouth of Sir Peter Green, chairman of Lloyd's, as he left the High Court. Ian Posgate had won the first of his battles against......

Standard Issue

GOTTERDAMMERUNG effects were laid on when the libertarian sage Friedrich Hayek set out to enlist British bankers in his plan for the denationalisation of money. The sky over......

Snake Oil

THE bid document from The Exploration Company of Louisiana invites holders of L. Texas Petroleum to accept shares of inde- terminate value, with no cash alternative, issued by a......

City And Suburban

Money is blown off course, and sterling catches the breeze CHRISTOPHER FILDES M arkets always tell a story, and we must not complain when the story is comical. So now with......