13 JULY 1985, page 35

Solution To Crossword 713: Op. Cit.

I C . 01 2 N ININTT E . 0 4 P ' E N m r ' R , A - U1E9. 0!AIA I E " A i t R'l L'L r b 1 , ■( S D Millinel ia l liglii i Einar Calll R V Mr I COME NI N 'W Y E L E H I Sill 0 D O......

No. 1377: The Winners

Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for a imaginary exchange of letters be- tween the mayors of London and Managua on the news that the two cities are to be 'twinned'. It......


No. 1380: GBS v GKC Set by Jaspistos: In 1923 Hesketh Pearson, in the Adelphi magazine, reported an entirely imaginary conversation which he claimed to have overheard between......


Timman triumphs David Goodman T he four qualifiers into the Candidates' tournament from the 2nd Interzonal held at Taxco, Mexico, from 8 June to 1 July are Jan Timman of......