13 JUNE 1840, Page 10


eddy:el-eat Gravetiod. tow Inth, Vernon. Dom., front Ileac:II; Hilt, Scotia, ; not NVitals-r. Nesbitt. non' dills; and Caleutia, Ch:thoers. Can I dvinen's ',awl. Ai Deal, Ithlt, Pante,, 1,1,1,n; 1,ondon. 'rail; awl Thomas

`:'.trey. In ns )1.1ordnis ; Fu.l.tode, 1.t.NI•11; :tad VS ....lin. t...1:tuol, trout Iteam Dienam's !.mat; Depdhy Cates, frautom nom eavree t and 1.■.;:11,yueghelt, salt.

moat Ilunihay. At tint ( ape April 1611t.

1,1, Roberts, Elder, from 1.(tOsto, At Etottli-ay. April -'its. 40 Kirkmi(Tests IAN(1111 ; lotiy INtl,Aer, rom ,.1,.$; Wilt ..)1cdol :5 , Ilini:salt', rusts 1.it-,•1 put)! ; NV. t. From Saututers, from 1,-L',:1; and ltueepl.,tlus, ('ice s•; Lune...ter, —, from t,iteriotol; mush Eioatto, tunnel( loto 1.taiu,,n. At :tladr,is, :Marel, 21,4, victor, L01111,11. Itengal,

Warded; atid Ihillititty. 1.0ittlett ; Theotto,itt,

Cushing. Iron 1.i,erpool; ;mil stunt 111111, Felicity, Nit Di Dahl, to tit :Atom, At Nlor, ;not Marsh, from London. At Vila s (1"‘u,' lam!. VV. 11.11-r is; at.11 ;Tett, fruit !mutton ; atilt Ilcr'w:t, erpooi. At New 81.toli Wales, previous to Jan. 7111, Nlary Ilav, Cotom ; !Ivory, It aim, ■3 Florantia. tis.talwin ; NViimot, Miller; and leatim,...11, Ditch, from ; atilt North „Adams, front Dublin. Sailed- Crum that esentl, use, 511i, rata. 1%1:mint:, f r Ctli, Lla, ra,'' liesser, for NlatIras; bsh. John I:lolling, tOni', for ditto; lUth, Ilrrrli,rdslire, ;11nore, for latothay; mat 11U.. thatinay, Furlev, for ditto. From 1,iverrol, 5;11, !tartlet Peyt,,,n, for Itotul,av ; Dunning; am) Herculean, I hiuriall, tor ditto; ■55.1 I lamiltua. 1101111.es, for liengal. ‘111"".\‘.NiNa• Arrived—At t:arey, (41nday, from Van )1{1.1.S 1