Debates An Vrocabings In Warliament. Attempt To...
Soon after the House of Lords met on Thursday, Lord MEt.normgE, a pparlitly much agitated and in a filtering tone of voice, announced to their Lordships, that a desperate attack......
Accounts From China To The Lath Of March Have Been
received by the overland mail from Bombay. They are of the same tenour as those brought by a vessel from Canton last week ; and represent the Chinese as actively employed in......
The French Ministerial Newspapers Take Great Pains In...
for the failure of the last campaign in Mika ; and in re- futing statements in the Opposition journals, that the presence of the Dukes of Oamefxs and Aloof mai was injurious to......
News Of The Week.
THE great event of this week is a revolting outrage against the per- son of the Queen. On Wednesday afternoon, her Majesty narrowly escaped a violent death, while proceeding in......
The Death Of The Old King Of Prussia, Which Was
prematurely announced, actually occurred on the ith instant, at Berlin. FRE- DERICK WILT:t AN! was in full possession of his faculties to the last ;. and was gratified by the......
It Appears From The Echo Ill Arragon, That The Cadist
garri- son of Morella, the capture of which place we mentioned last week, behaved with extraordinary gallantry. The besiegers threw shells into time fortress, which made great......