Mr. O'Connell arrived in Da'slin, from London, on Saturday ; and on Monday net the ins tut er.sNationalssm:iation for Justice or Repeal, at the t 'ore Ex Aangt.. I le read a......
Lord Durham, We Are Happy To Learn, Is Getting Better.
The journey to Carlsbad is given up ; and it is probable that his Lordship will be removed to Cowes as soon as he is able to bear the fatigue of travelling. Some alarm has......
A. Dreadful Calamity, By Tire, Gemmed Sit S.0 Artlay Night
in the fa- mily of Mr. Price, a imohbiader, 1 v v C w gate Street. Mr. Price let the front part or l re:ni--ca to Mr. Parker, a bookseller, and carried on his 0 \VII Ill the......
The Dublin Ereni:ig Complains That The Higher Classes Of Li-
berals neglect or relit m reregister their votes for Dublin. Lord Morpeth has appointed Mr. Arthur helps to be his Private Se- cretary, in the place of Mr. Norman Macdonald. Mr.......
( Bc 1probinces.
The late rains have been of the greatest benefit to the barley and oats ; but we fear they came too late tbr the crop of hay to be benefited by them to any extent : however, the......
The reports of the crops front Perthshire, Fife, Lanarkshire, the Lothians, Roxburghshire, Galloway, and Ayrshire, are most promising, Wool will be a full average, and lambs......
The Limerick Chronicle, Alluding To The Late Riots In...
says- " There is abundant cause to be thankful to Providence for the saving influence of the Mathew principle. had any ol' the populace indulged in the use of intoxicating......
The Cork Reporter Informs Us That The Number Of Emigrants
from that port this year amounts to 4,8'70. 'rite average of the six preceding years amounted to 4,934. Distress of the most appalling character is to be met with all over the......