( bc 1Probinces.
The late rains have been of the greatest benefit to the barley and oats ; but we fear they came too late tbr the crop of hay to be benefited by them to any extent : however, the appearance of all the growing crops is much improved within the last week. Turnip sowing is now going on well, and the fallows are in excellent order. The sheep come out of their wool better than could have been expected, considering the wet winter and spring.--Driehein Gazette.
A coach called the Waington has been recently twice overturned on the road from Lincoln to tiraidliam ; and the Lincoln Gazette states the cause of both accidents- " The first overturn was fig's' a restive wheel-horse and a tremendous load; and although numerous complaints have been mule, animal still runs over the same ground, and this sccond overturn is justly attributed to the same curse. We hope tti:t the pr,iprietors will not lei ,his unruly ani- mal any long endanger the lives of her Majesty's liege subjects, after such re- peated and awful waruings ; e llen t I.o cause is removed, the effect will t,ilaw."
[The proprietors of this coach ought to be pint as guilty of manslaughter, should any fatal accident occur from the use of the un- ruly horse.]
A ruffian, by name EL?, murdered his wife on l;'riday lasts at a village near Bromyard, in Worcestershire. Euraged because his breakfast was not ready at the usual time, he knocked his wife down, kicked her when on the floor, and then made off. The poor woman was found by the neighbours in the ;amides of death.