13 JUNE 1840, Page 10



So little has been doing in the Money-market, that there is scarcely any

scope for remark ; the \V hitenn holydays and fine weather together having almost put a stop to business. The pressure tbr money huts not heen quite so great as it was last week : the current rate of interest tar loans upon the se- curity of English Stock has been along 1 per cent., while a higher rate has Item paid upon Foreign Ponds. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has laten to low Its .,23s.; lad it hits since improved, and is to-day quoted at 27s.

Bank Stock has remained without any variation, and the quotation of India Stock has been nominal.

in the Foreign larket, ell the European Continental Stocks are steady, glad the !writes of last week hove }teen supported : the transactions in them have been very unimportant, Some business has occurred in .Mexican Bonds, but without any inaterial variation in prices. The near approach of the flub October is forcing the conversion of the old Six per Cent. ;i.ock: and that de- scription of security is consequently in a course of withdrawal fur exchange into the New Fire per Cent. Bonds. The llrazilian are the only South American Securities that are in demand and they have improved is per emit. upon our last quotations. 171-171-ci Wan aunt other non-dividend Stocks are heavy. retinues,- Bonds have continued unchanged until this morning. There was a slight apta.zaallee of demand for the Five per Cents. in the middle of the week, when there were buyers at 35;1? ; but the temporary firmness thus given to the market did not long continue, and the quotations of to-day may be considered as -'; per cent. below those of last week. siouish AetiVe Stock hos heen subjected to much fluctuation : has as usual absorbed the Intention of the speculators. reel has been the only article in which any transactions amity importance have taken place. Oil Monday, in- telligence twos received of an improvement of 11 per cent. in the price of the llonds at AI:atria ; and the price here rose to 271, being UM advance of i per cent. upon fluclosing prices of Saturday : I his quotation was well supported until -Wednesday morning, when the filet of the connnunication between Ma- dtid and Ilaymine having been interrupted for three days, in conjunction with a decline in the price ()I' Spanish Stock at Paris, caused a depression ; and the market here hes gradually sunk told( r the operation of sub's, till the pries to- day declined to 26;1; but that low quotation baring brought in buyers, an im- provement has occurred, and the closing quotation is 21;7 It is generaliv believed that the full in l'aris and here has been produced by the or•ratimis of t he parties who have contracted with the Governmeat nt Madrid for the issue of 5,01al,000/. titutos ill Local Bonds, and who have button:toil the speculation by large sales of Active Stock. The :Railway Shares have been in great demand ; and the spirit of specula- tion ill these adventures seems to have revived, (it' indeed this mode of invest- ment can be considered as speculat ban) from the eirciintaine that the tolls upon all the lines now at work average generally an increase of :/.0 per cent. upon those taken at the corresponding period of last year. London and _Birming- ham are quoted at 98 to 11)0 premium ; Great Western at .Ill premium; Croy- don at 12; per shave; Brighton at a diseoent ; and Blackwell at la premium. 'These ',vacs note an advance of nearly Ill/. upon the Birmingham, of 8/. upon the Great Western, while Croydon love improved about It. awl Brighton about 10s.