who cat.. , tim e ir the visitors-book at the 1 alttee,
were in-
cesseer, tl:e front the Houses of Peril:intent began to
arrive. Tho c.;0•,yit. in front of the Pe nee, mommting to
eeveral thousands, t hank by It strong body of Police. About twelve o'cleee, tIt•t of I amdon, with the Remembrancer and
other City fie:eta:me-Ls, nYrivA in four carriages, to ascertain when it would be her 3!ai..sy It:Tsui...! to receive the address. the Cammon Council. :ao,,n oaro..e. aaataehment of the Creme:ler Cuards, with
their sp!cm:iti the gateway, on which the Royal standard '.vas tool: nit their position in the entrance-court.
The Cabinet aeit Oilleers of' the Jfeeseheld arrived in
quick setNessiele t the South gate. At two o'clock, the state- carriege of the Speeker of Slid !louse of Commons entered the court, followed. by leff ceeldtaes filled with Members of the House of Com- mons rev, r Itef.,TY, it is sail, was the Speaker followed by so nume- rous a cotttf",gst tli.a occasion of presenting an address. As soon as
the tiott Commons had left the court, the procession of the
Lords e. egan to enter—the :Barons first, and then the other Peers, rising in rue e to the Royal Dukes of Sussex and Cambridge ; the Lord Chan- cellor le inging up the rear. There were SI carriages in the Peers' procession; which Wies brilliant and imposing. in ete extraordinary degree. Many of' the LOV:i.; NV ore splendid unitorms and decorations of various order's: tl:e 1 suite of Wellington especially was attired with
much magnificence. Si'e proe...ssion of the Commons passed with little notice the c 1 ; on the Duke's appearance, the cheer-
ing was enthusiast:0 The Dukes of Sussex and Cam- bridge also were chaercd. Whikt the Lords were alighting from their carriages, the t.rtat.il terrace hi front of the Valaca was crow ded with distinguished uersons in grand costumes. The Qitecn reecieed t c address on the throne. The Lord Chan- cellor and the Sp,...i!..er of the 1bn:se of Commous :advanced side by side. 'Ilte 1 Mkee ed' Sussex and Cambridge walked in a line with the Lord Ch./I.:corm., tha Peen.; d Commoners fidlu W lug. Prince Albert stood on the left of the thy:me ; the Great °facers of State and of the 1 tousehold on the right. The Lord Chancellor read the address ; and the Queen read the answer alreatly quoted.
On leavieg the Palace, Leal a telbcrurne, Lord Holland, and Lord John Belsell were, ra..e..Cittg to the Times, vehemently hissed by the crowd. The Hornaar /a4 eeye that Mr. Hume and Mr. Baines were hissed, and. that Mr. took care not to ri,!e du his own cerriage. When the Deke of Wellington left the Palace, be Ives again greeted with cheers. Iii; Creel,: rude to the spot where Oxford stood, and ea. nutely exert:me:1 tl:e supposed marks of the bellets on the wall. A cross d ; whwe cheers lie acknowleitged with bows and ; NV Likt mn add sui(lier explained all the eh cilln6laiteeS of the attempted assassin:ft ion—e.here the Queen's ear.1.1.6:e passed, and where stood the assassin when he fired the pistols.