13 JUNE 1840, Page 14



The Lire of Thonms 11 ligosQ, D.D., F.R.S., g:e. Sec. late Lord Bishop

of Salisbury. the Joha s, Huron!, Esq., rece.., /al • 9maa ander),

'Travels ill Gelman:: and R.:ssia in,lialing a Sicalo.Voyage by the Danube anti lit, Boxier front Vienna to coubtautin,p1L., in 18.58459. By Adolphus Slade, Es/ fel R.N. Author of" Reeor,1$ of 'rravels In the Mist," Sze. ans6: l'urratx,

The Quiet Ihisband, Ily Miss Ellen riche:Mg, author of "The Merchant's

ranalitcr,- 'rite Frieht." Sze. Sze. Iiia vols Boone.

It.ir,tnetion to the Mudecu 1,1.04s:fa:what of la, ri founded on the Natural

:ma Corre,T,uditn; rirLaniv„.V.un of the diaele.al Felonies. By J. 0.West-

.6otal, Lovolan nna Co.