A Collection if Nat:,-mil Parts II, and III. Int,rspersol with
Gi,i ,,/s and Ame.dute. Edited h.,/ W. CHAPviu.i..
We noticed this interesting and unique work on the appearence of its First Part. Mr. CH:item:Ia. has now brought it to a conclusion ; having amply redeemed his original pledge, and amasse 1 a collection of rare and valuable matter, 1:1Whjell feW persons believed and fewer knew the existence. Ilea! is a full and complete reply to the assertion that the English have no minimal melodies. These airs possess interest or various kinds : they illustrate the progress of national song, and laying into full view the essential peculetrities of Enalish melody ; they illus- trate our histnry nil memoirs, orr civil broils. our party strifes, our triumphs by land and by sea, es well as otir village sports and civic pageants, the unsophisticated love of nature and the diversions of
crowded cities : they illustrate also our literature. ere the somas sting by SHARSITI■E'S ehiV•IIS ; the melodies incidentally noticed in his
various plays are here timer out at length ; aid Cita einaa. gives us chapter and versa foe c very thing. Perim:get he is not always right in his conclusions, but he irilenly !aides fully and Eddy tit., evidence on which they rest. And it is well that he is a faithful chrodeler, for ft!W
persons ;meld that he asserts. his collection is es ceplous as his industry is unwearied. It readies to 245 airs; to white! Lases have been adapted by Dr. Cnogen, Mr. Macranana, and Mr. Ws DE,--a task of some ditficulty, and executed with more than an average degree of skill.
Tire long controverted talestion " Who was the author of God save the king? " is discussed at consider:it -Ii• Icnr.1,11,1111( no new light is thrown upon it. Mr. CilAPPE1.1. ineline; to fes our the claim set tip l'or list:11V CAREY, lint, we think, on ,lender ;.2.riotiLls. The very circumstance of its never having lteen nod in any of the various eolffetions of sues which Cannv publis'.1tii, seeders the claim advanced iu his !s elf doubtful, that full and conIplete evidence is neceseery to establish it. This evidence does not exist. Ca [tin- never claimed it ; and it is scarcely credible that in his "Epistle to Stage T3 rants," in whiell he mentions some of his most ponder songs, (pleb:tinnily " Sally in our Alley,") he should not have adverted to " God save tie, King." The claim advanced for Caney by his son, iris Maki' tillSiicions circum- stances, being accompanied with a petition for money.* The assertion which Mr. CoAPPE1.1. quotes from Mr. Pei1V1.1.:, that " Carey wrote it in 1715, or the 3-ear before,'' is a mere ingestion, based on no proof, and, we undertake to say, eltogether untrue. No—the qttestion yet re- mains unanswered. In connexion with this subject we will correct an error in the note page 157-- " Britons. strike home' was eonn -cal by I leery Pitreell for his opera of Boadireg. it was seem adept, as one of the national favourites, and played with ' Rule Britannia' and • goal save the
The play (for it was not an opera) for wind, PolitELL wrote " Bri-
tons strike home" was Bsadur«, (not altered by (.11,:011W: POWELL from FLET4-ii En's play of that mine. It sit' produced in Hee : and " Britons steike hone.," was the ;Iffy veers be- fore " God save the King " was introduced to the public by Dr. A IINE, or "Rule Iiritannia " nets written.
Mr. Citaiienis. linen Lave entered on this Work rather es a lover of music than a dedcr in it Ina wr trmst il.0 encouragement he Will re- ceive may suffice to S;i:1111,:lte Lira to fresh researches, aid :mime his reappearance in the new charaeter he has so creditably sustained.