13 JUNE 1840, Page 19
Organ isl's Parochial Choral Lihratg, No. II. By G. F.
Fnowmts, Mils. 13rw. 0.r.
In this number of his useful and unpretending work, Mr. PLowEas, as we recommended, has confined himself' to such an arrangement of psalm-tunes as is fitted for congregational use. There are many self- styled) organists who are only pianoforte-players, and who need a work like this to guide then: eright in the discharge of their duty. Tamffs's fine old psalm has been so disfigured with moderuisnis that we hardly kuow it in its dandy eerh. Mr. Psow Ens has stripped of some of the finery, but nut all : he should have torn away every rag.