13 JUNE 1840, Page 19

The Universal PAU , er, reT:nSill Comp o sition.: ff various Writers. By WILLIAM


Poet:'; " Universit Prayer" has been several times set to nutsie

the best known, and, ;,eel:: the best composition being that of Dr. AnNogo. Mr. GAN!,:a1:IZ. who has had a good deal of experience in * These are his words. " I thought there he no harm in endeavouring to make myself kmewn of Windsor as the sou ef the author of " God sieve the King "—since. great families create great wants, it is natural to wish for tome little relief." We hare only his account of the interview ; which seems to have been au impudent, as it was an unsucee,,sful ;ittellipt to olnain money under false pretences. G sone E ('.m 's claim on behalf of his father could only have rested oti writtiin testimony. for he was nut born till after the tatter's death, but even this (which would not of itself Live been conclusive) lie does not appear to have produced.

this work, has now adapted it to various movements, (principally de- rived front their instrumental compositions), from the writings of Co- ns:ism, BEETHOVEN, Davos, and MozanT. To many persons this com- pilation will afford pleasure, as it contains some airs of great beauty, and choruses which will be thought brilliant and showy; but it is not eccle- siastical music—not the style of the church. Most of the choruses (re- garded as sacred music) are immeasurably behind those of our own church writers, and destitute of the chief attributes of good vocal har- mony. The admixture of style, the clear simplicity and antique guise of I netniffs, assorts but ill with the dazzling brilliancy and modern glare of liEIMIUVEN. In a dramatic composition, where the musical charac- teristics of' different nations have to be exhibited, such a contrast is necessary : but in a work like the " Universal Prayer" it destroys the unity of colour which pervades the poem, and should pervade the music. It is like compiling a hymn with a stanza from 31ileToN, an- other from WATT:., and a third front MoollE.