The Anti-Slavery Delegates of England, the Continent, and Ame- rica,
assembled yesterday at the Freemason's Tavern. Sonic preli- minary business was despatched. Mr. Clarkson was appointed Presi- dent, and four gentlemen were named Vices Presidents. The principal discussion, which lasted between three and four hours, was on a motion by an American gentleman, that several ladies, who had come ns Delegates from America, should be admitted to seats in the assembly. The motion was negatived by a large majority ; and the meeting adjommed to this day.
A " festival" in aid of the funds of University College Hospital was held on Tuesday, at the Freemason's Tavern ; the Duke of Sussex iu the chair. Among the distinguished persons at the dinner-table, were the Duke of Somerset and the Bishops of Durham and Norwich. The Duke of Sussex called attention to the extensive usefulness of the Hos- On referring to the accounts, lie found that in this establishment about twelve hundred poor and destitute patients annually receive, as hi-patients in the trying hour of pill mud sickness, not only the most skilful professional treatment, but careful nursing, suitable nourishment, and every desirable com- fort, temporal and spiritual. Others, to the amount of three thousand every year, as out-patients, are furnished gratuitously with the advice of eminent physicians and surgeons, mid the medicaments they require; while, in the same space of time, three hundred obstetric cases arc attended in private habi- tations. These, he thought, afforded the strongest grounds for support, and he trusted that before the CVC11111,.; 911011h1 have concluded, the Secretary would be able to show that a due feeling; in behalf of the institution was felt by those by whom he was surrounded.
In the course of the evening, subscriptions to the amount of 1,172/. were announced ; of which sum, 700/. came through the hands of Mr. Isaac Lyon Goldsmith, himself a most liberal supporter of the insti- tution. The Committee for managing the Wellington Military Memorial have sent a statement to the newspapers, " to apprize the subscribers and the public, that the work is proceeding satisfactorily, and that they entertain a well-founded hope that the statute itself—of larger dtmen- sions than any similar work with which they are acquainted—may be ready for erection on the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo, the 18th of June 1842. It is their intention to publish, on the anniversary in the present year, (Thursday the 18th instant,) a general list of the subscribers ; and they cannot but hope thikt the forthcoming list may exhibit an increase m the number and amount of subscriptions, in some degree proportionable to the increasing interest which the public appears to take m the illustrious person whose transcendent achieve- ments the memorial is designed to celebrate."
A special general meeting of the members of the Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge was held on Wednesday, at the Society's rooms in Lincoln's Inn Fields. The Archbishop of Canterbury was in the chair, and explained the object of the meeting; which was to con- sider a recommendation of the Committee to vote 10,000/. in aid of a fund for establishing Bishoprics in the Colonies and dependencies of the British empire, upon the following plan, suggested by the Bishop of London- " 1st, That a fund should be formed, by voluntary contribution, for the en- dowment of Bishoprics in the Colonies and distant dependencies of the British Crown. 2dly, This fund should be held in trust, and administered by the Archbishops and Bishops of the English Church. "idly, That, as a general principle, grants should be made for the endow- ment of Bishoprics, to meet a certain proportion of the whole amount required for such endowment, raised in the Colonies themselves. 4thly, That the money set apart from the fund for the endowment of a Bishopric, should be laid out at the earliest opportunity, in the purchase of land within the Colony.
mm fithly, That contributions may be made specifically, for the endowments of particular Bishoprics."
The Bishop of London moved, " That the recommendation of the Committee be adopted, and the money placed at the disposal of the Archbishops and Bishops of England."
The Bishop of Chester seconded the resolution: which was carried, with only two- dissentients.
Twelve Bishops and about two hundred of the inferior clergy were present at this meeting.