'Elie following extracts from a letter of business, dated Ilerbice,
May 2d, aid written by a gentlemen en his return to Ctuiellet after only a twelvemonth's ;ilea:tee, toil the ode of the colony's griefs and fears snore reliably than airy Si:11,1111:1AS 1.....1.:....ed fur publication in a news- paper-- " You will have liyuni. lit.'.1.El! this, of ti,,' precious result of :dr. Young's mission, and of the shameful attempt now making to force an 4.11.4'1ii.111.. Civil List on us, at the same time that we are dement emigration front the only places we arc• likely to get labourers to any exteot. The Governor has acted Will great duplivity. in leading us to believe lilt it is not the littilt of Govern- ment that the lia-o Ind:, s are closed to ut,,, whilit he has despatelies from Lord John Hassell ill which the ruin of the saga.- cultivation of the colony is talked
of as a matter of no consequence. let an attempt is made to allure us to mortgage the country fir t malty-01m ya ars, to pay a ,:at of insolent oilicials.—who, when once firmly fixed itI their places, will bloat, at us, and treat ins il ith the greatest contempt. It is C11117.01iitory to think, that with the eXetlitioll a that renegade Dr. 3letfurlt, all the Colonial Members of the Combined Court have voted against his mit rious measure," • '' *
" I was quite shocked on my arrival, at the grant alteration which had taken place dining my absence You may "...on Taber, that alit n you left this place, there was not a house in town to he purchased or rehted at any price: now there are about lice-and-teventy for sale: and the value (,1!thi- description of prTerty •.%111 110 110.1iit become greatly tio`prlq".:70. ell. In fact, N. l•at with the dreadMI rainy weather, as haul if not worsa 1 Ilan the season of ! :,a, the snnall quantity of sugar making, mid the certainty that there will be no coll t ec- blosstan, things are looking as gloomy as they well can du."
We find it stated in the Demerara papers, that the Negroes, whose purchase of on estate for St1,000 dollars we mentioned tide dey fortnight, lava cult it lip hits/ $1111111 holdings ; and that the expectation which. some persons hol se:termites!, that they ttonld intleage the property in com- bination ne ore: eslaie, had been completely disappointed. They pos- sessed nt.ith...r the linesyledge nor the capital necessary for such an un- dertaking.