On Friday, Count Bertrand delivered up to Louis Philippe the
arms of Napoleon which had been confided to his care. The King was on his throne, surrounded by the chief officers of' state ; when General Bertrand advanced, and spoke the fillies Me. address- " Sire—The last wishes of the Emperor will at last accomplished. In offering to you my congratulations on an event which will not be less honour- able to your 'Majesty intime to come then it is at the present moment—a re- sult as much in unison with the honour of the nation as with the sentiments of the people-1 am only the echo of the public gratitude. On the point of leaving to fulfil n pious duty, I thank your :Majesty ihr having ass: ciated me in the noble voyage to St. Helena. These arms of the great *..":apoicon which I have offered to the country in asking it to claim the mortal remains of the Emperor—these arms.are now the property of France. It is to your Majesty, to your steady and patriotic advance, that see owe the accomplishment of the Emperor's last wishes, wishes which he had particularly expressed to me on his dealldw,1 under circumstances which van never be effaced from my mind. Sire, rendering full homage to the signal of the national justice NI 1661 you have so generously undertaken—anierded by a sense of grat it tele and el conlideece- 1 come to deposit in the hands of your Alajcstv those glorious :ems which I have so long been fumed to conceal, and which I hope iii1011 to pi■lee 011 the coffin of that great Captain, of at Waal tkStilied to attract the observation of
the • Louis 1"nilippe replied-
" 1 re:el% e in the name of France the arms of the Emperor Napoleon, of which his last wishes mole you the devisituay. Thee shall lie carefully pre- served until I can place them on the monadelon which the national munifi- cence prepao s for him. I esteem myself happy that it should have been re- served to me to restore to the soil of France the mortal remains of one who has add( a no many glories loom• triumphs, and to discharge the dela due by our common conetr3 in surrounding his bier by all the honours which ON so justly due to him."