Two New Zealand chiefs, John Touwack and Jaekey White, and
three other subordinate chiefs, had arrived at Sydney, and had an in- terview with Governor Gipps. They wished to ascertain whether it was intended to dispossess parties to whom the chief's bad sold land, and whose title they recognized. The Governor was puzzled v.hat reply to make, and said nothing distinct, except that the British Go- vernment recognized the independence of the chief's of the Northern part of the Northern Island, but that this recognition did not extend to other parts of New Zealand. lie talked a great deal about the right of British subjects and of the British Government to make purchases : which gave no satisfaction to the chief's, and they went away saying, " The Gubbanar no good."
Though Governor Gipps was cautious and puzzled, Governor Hob- son seems to have been straightforward and explicit in his replies to questions put by adeptitation, who waited upon him to ascertain his in- tentions and those of the Government. The Suftov Ileraid of January
17th gives a report of what passed at the interview. Mr. J. S. Clarke acted as spokesman of the deputation-
" Captain Hobson was asked whether it is the intention of the British Go. Tenement to establish a colony in New Zealand? to which he replied, that it is the intention of the British Government to colonize the whole of New 'Leaked, both the North and South islands. Captain II. was then asked whether it h the intentions of the British Government to dispossess those who hold land under titles derived by purchase from the native chiefs? to which he replied, that the Government has no such intention, and he wished particularly to dis. abuse the public mind on this point, for it is not the intention of the Govern. meat to interfere if the purchase have been fair and without fraud upon the natives; but where there are conflicting claims the Government intend toils. vestigate them. In answer to a question respecting the Company formed in London, and culled the New Zealand Company, Captain Hobson said, that the Government knows of the formation of the Company, and that its object is to purchase land from the natives, and sell it at a profit, and they have already sold a large quantity of the land that they intend to purchase, and the Government looks with favour upon the Company, because they have under. taken to show all their accounts, and to expend seventy-five per cent. of the produce of the fund upon the importation of labourers into New Zealand. Captain Hobson said, that he hoped that no alarm exists upon the justice mind, for all persona may rest assured that they will receive the sametestice that is measured out to the New Zealand Company. In answer to the ques- tion of whether parties who are expending money in the erection of stores and formation of establishments in New Zsalaud, had better stop, he said no, there is nothing to fear. This, Mr. Clarke said, was, Inc believed, the substance of till that took place."