So ended the Obrenovitch dynasty. Whether the new King will
be Prince Peter Karageorgevitch, who is said to have been already acclaimed by the troops, and whO it is expected will be elected by the Skuptschina, which is summoned to meet imme- diately; remains to be seen, but all the indications point that way. If he is chosen, there seems little doubt that Austria and Russia will respect the election, provided always that civil war does not ensue, which is possible, but not likely. Austria and Russia have agreed to maintain the status quo in the Balkans, and, consequently, for both of them the accession of Prince Peter or some other member of his house will be the line of least resistance. Neither Power would care to see the Servian politicians go King-bunting at this moment. We may. hope, therefore, that the peace of EurOpe will not be im- perilled by the event, and a further source of danger added to the existing complications in the Balkans.