Er. Adam On The Election Of 1880.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF THB " SPECTATOR?] SIX.,—I have never questioned " Scrutator's " accuracy in reporting the conversations which Mr. Adam had with him on the prospects of the......
The Closed Highway. [to Tub Editor Of Thy "specratos."1...
availing myself of your kind permission to reply to the article entitled " The Closed Highway " contained in the Spectator of May 23rd, I do not propose to traverse the state-......
The "exaggeration " Of The Macedonian Outrages.
[To TEE EDITOR OF TRY "SPICTATOR.1 SIR,—Dr. Dillon's letter in the Spectator of May 16th is before me. The editorial comment which follows it shows that you understood my......
The " Open Door" In China.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] have no wish to continue a discussion with your corre- spondent " Scruts.tor " (Spectator, June 6th), who, none too courteously, prefers to......