"christian Science." By William Lefroy, D.d. (s.p.c.k....
volume we have six sermons preached in the nave of Norwich Cathedral. Taken as a whole, it is a well- reasoned exposure of a sysfem which gives its authority to many dangefous......
The Management Of Money. By Lucy H. Yates. (horace Cox.
ls.)—The story is told of some lady of great academical eminence who, having been advised by her bankers that her account was overdrawn, sent them in payment a cheque upon......
Recollections Of A Town Boy At Westminster, 1849 - 53. By...
F. Markham. (E. Arnold. 108. 6d. net.)—An outsider must feel that he is not : one of the readers for whom this book was written, and, therefore, that his opinion of it can be of......
Athletics And Outdoor Sports For Women. Edited By Lucille...
Hill. (Macmillan and Co. 6s.)—This volume is of American origin, and some of the subjects—each of them treated by an expert—have an unfamiliar sound, "Track Athletics," for......
Of "guide Books" We Have To Mention London .(ward, Lock,
and Co., ls.), and Isle of Wight (same publishers, ls.), the first being in its "twenty-fifth," the second in its " thirteenth," edition, and so needing no commendation from......
Boys' Self - Governing Clubs. By Winifred Buck....
6d. net.)—This book gives the experience of its writer in New York. She has had eight years of work among boys, varying in age from eight to sixteen. In some respects, of......