"Christian Science." By William Lefroy, D.D. (S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d.)—In this
volume we have six sermons preached in the nave of Norwich Cathedral. Taken as a whole, it is a well-
reasoned exposure of a sysfem which gives its authority to many dangefous errors of faith and practice. These things run their course; and are not seriously affected—at least for the time—by adverse argument. Still, it is the duty of the Christian teacher to state the truth, nor is his effort wasted. A general interest attaches to the preacher's exposition of the remarkable passage in James v. 14-15. The words stand alone except for St. Mark vi. 13. The latter passage makes it probable that Christ enjoined the practice of anointing with oil, at least in certain cases, but only as an instrument of healing. "Extreme unction," as it is now administered, is something wholly different.