The French are availing themselves of "the enchanted armour of
science" in their punitive expedition against the tribesmen of Figuig. They are using melinite shells instead of the Foreign Legion. General O'Connor attacked Zenaga, the principal town of the oasis, on June 8th. The population numbers ten thousand, and the place was full of life, the inhabitants being remarkable as artisans, and the place itself a religious centre for the Sahara ; but early in the morning the French opened fire, and by 11 a.m. Zenaga, which is principally built of mud and wood, was a heap of ruins. The inhabitants fled to other villages or to the hills, and the General waited calmly for submission. The heads of clans accordingly came in and proffered submission, whereupon the General made them a speech. He told them that France did not desire to destroy their authority, and had indeed built a railway to their frontier in order to enrich them ; but they had become robbers, and that could not be borne. They must live as traders, must accept his terms within twenty-four hours, and then all would be well. If the clansmen are really cowed, this would be a most satisfactory end to the expedition ; but it is noteworthy that the telegrams, though eloquent on General O'Connor's success, contain no word as to the terms to be accepted.