Sea,—It has occurred to me that your readers might be interested in the views of a Belfast man who is unconnected with any political party. While recognizing the reasonable- ness of the Nationalist objection to Exclusion without a time-limit, I am of opinion that the period of six years proposed by the Government is too short. My suggestion is that the homogeneous unit of the six Protestant counties should be permitted to vote itself out of the operation of the Home Rule Bill for an initial term of six years, at the expiration of which a further plebiscite would be taken by which an additional period of six years' Exclusion could be obtained. I think this plan should satisfy all moderate men. Twelve years is a short time in the life of a nation, and no Nationalist who wishes to avoid civil war could rationally oppose such a trifling concession. On the other hand, it will give to the Ulster Unionists the benefit of at least three General Elections, and it is inconceivable that the Unionist Party will not regain office during the next