The Ethics Of Gambling.
[To rsa EDISOZ 07 MP . 877C7A207.".1 SIR,—The inquiry of "A. B." in the Spectator of May 23rd deserves a reply, and here is one at your service if you get no better. Gambling is......
[to Tax Edison Or Ire "srecmon.-1
have only now read your number of May 23rd, which has a long article on the Star and gambling. May I, as an old reader who has frequently missed a recognition of the principle......
[to Rue Eorros Or Um .srac-raxon_"] Siu,—being A New Recruit
to the army of your regular readers, I regret having missed the opening of the above correspondence. In the main, I agree with what Dr. Lyttelton and the two succeeding writers......
L're Rue Ed1701 Or The . Srsorrros.")
Sut,—One of your correspondents in last week's Spectator aptly quotes, with reference to "wagers," the late Mr. Allen Whitworth's abstruse book, DCC. Problems in Choice and......
[to Rue Ronoa Or Rue "sr. - 7170141 Si,—your Opinions On...
appear somewhat inadequate. We can surely bring the matter to a more definite moral issue than this. Human activity is shown in three ways in action, in thought, and in emotion.......
[to Tb. Elmo. 01 Tun .. Bp3csatob...]
Sitt,—If the immorality of betting is not clear to the Quaker mind, is the Quaker conscience less keen than when Whittier wrote (from "The Quaker of the Olden Time ")?— " With......