Kew Gardens.
[To THR EDITOR 07 Telt nleCTATOR.11 SIE,—To avoid any misconception, may I point out that the " popular old Eriglish ballad" (" Come down to Kew in lilac- time ") quoted in full......
The Country Women's Club. [to In Editor 07 Trx...
Sra, — Will you kindly allow me once more to make use of your columns so that I may be able to thank all those who so generously responded to my appeal for books for our......
Reflections On India.
[To rim Bowen or TIM "ersor■ros."1 Sis,—In your very interesting article, "Reflections on India" (Spectator, May 23rd), you refer to Mr. Wadia's statement that to the Sikh or......
The Highland Clearances. [to Ma Editor 07 Tim...
reviewer of Mr. Mackenzie's book, The History of the Highland Clearances, in your last issue, has somehow let the following sentence slip in "He prints another narrative from a......
"roots Of 'devil's Bit." "
[TO Ts. EDITOR 01 en "erscuvos."1 Snz,—"Devil's bit" (see Spectator, June 6th, p. 946) is the Devil's bit scabious (Sections succisa), very common in our sandy soil here, of......
Books For The Blind.
LTO TER EDITOR Or en "Sracrwrott.'1 SIR,—May I suggest that the making of Braille books for the blind may provide a new occupation for men in prison? I understand this would not......
Children And Holidays. [to Ens Ebner Or En....
we invoke the hospitality of your columns once more on behalf of the Children's Country Holidays Fund, to ask all those who have been fortunate enough to obtain a holiday at......
L're Rue Ed1701 Or The . Srsorrros.")
Sut,—One of your correspondents in last week's Spectator aptly quotes, with reference to "wagers," the late Mr. Allen Whitworth's abstruse book, DCC. Problems in Choice and......
Two Quotations.
[TO TH. EDITOR 07 In "Sone/Ana:1 Sou,—In reply to your correspondent of May 30th, the quotation which is cited in The Life of Walter Bagehol will he found in Wordsworth's poem......