[TO TH. EDITOR 07 In "Sone/Ana:1
Sou,—In reply to your correspondent of May 30th, the quotation which is cited in The Life of Walter Bagehol will he found in Wordsworth's poem (xlviii.) "To the Clouds" in the "Poems of the Imagination." The full text, which is of unusual length, runs thus:— " 0 ye Lightnings !
Ye are their perilous offspring: and the Sun— Source inexhaustible of life and joy,
And type of man's far-darting reason, therefore In old time worshipped as the god of verse, A blazing intellectual deity—
Loves his own glory in their looks, and showers Upon that unsubstantial brotherhood Visions with all but beatific light Enriched—too transient were they not renewed From age to age, and did not, while we gaze In silent rapture, credulous desire Nourish the hope that memory lacks not power To keep the treasure unimpared. Vain thought
Yet why repine, created as we are
For joy and rest, albeit to find them only Lodged in the bosom of eternal things?"
1 am at a loss to give any clue to the second quotation. D certainly does not occur in Wordsworth.—I am, Sir, he.,
0. A,