[Under !Me handing we notice each Book. of the ,reek kayo not boas morsed for TO ti.0 in othor forme.] The Federal Solution. By J. C. Haig. (F. Griffiths. 6d. net.)—Mr. Haig has long been of opinion that the only permanent solution of our Constitutional problem lies in the adoption of a Federal system for the United Kingdom. The Irish crisis has given Lim, as he thinks, a timely opportunity of inquiring into the actual working of Federal systems in other parts of the world. In this able pamphlet he describes the Constitutions of Canada, Australia, the United States, Switzerland, and the German Empire. His conclusion is that, as these systems have been uniformly successful, a Federal system would work satisfactorily in these islands. But even granting that, we must remind him that it is of little use to discuss the organization of fire brigades whilst the house is actually catching fire.