13 JUNE 1931, Page 32


A tour arranged by the State Tourist Company of the U.S.S.R. to Central Asia and Turksib (the new. Turkestan- Siberian Railway) will begin in Leningrad on August 25th. The itinerary includes a stay of three days in Leningrad and five days in Moscow before a start is made to Central Asia. In turn the tourist will be able to see the Volga, Ural Mountains Ural Steppes and the Aral Sea. A special train consisting, entirely of sleeping cars, restaurant and, refrigerator will be in use. From Turksib the train will travel south to Tashkent and the Fergan Valley, where halts will be made at Kokanda, Fergan, Audijan and Namanga. Samarkand, Bokhara, Old Merv, Ashkhabad and the entire territory of Turkmenistan to Krasnovodsk on the Caspian Sea as well as Baku and Kiev will be visited during the tour.

A summary of all summer cruises and combined tours may be obtained free on application to the Travel Bureau of the Spectator.