13 JUNE 1931, page 34

What Fulfilment Of Our Obligations Involved.

This country gave a lead at a comparatively early date after the War as regards the strict observance of contracts. As soon as it became possible to meet our obligations to the......

Equilibrium Disturbed.

Before the outbreak - of the Great War in 1914, although a certain amount of unemployment existed in all countries, and although countries differed from time to time in the......

Evading The Issue.

In these circumstances, if we were to fulfil both our obligations and also the liabilities attaching to the Gold Standard, it was clear that our exports - would have to expand......

U.s. Policy.

Meanwhile, other nations besidei Great Britain were making a miscalculation of the position.'. In the matter of profiteering first place must certainly be given to the United......

What We Were 3.7? _against. Not Only Had America Drawn

heavily- upon our stores of gold,. but in place of our holding over £1,000 Millions in • American securities, we had re-sold them during the War to America, and, in addition,......

Finance—public & Private

Causes of World Depression—(II) Human or Natural Factors Iasi. week I dealt with the views of those who assert that the . prime cause of world depression is to be found in......