13 JUNE 1931, page 13


[A LETTER FROM OXFORD.] [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—On May 19th Oxford at last settled its Bodleian problem. The meeting of Congregation at which the solution was......

Liquid Diet

There is now living at Shiplake a little girl, two years of age, who has not tasted any thing solid, and not even bread, since last Christmas twelvemonth. Her usual diet is a......

The Cinema

TOOTH AND CLAW. Rango, a film made by Herr Schoedsack in Sumatra, falls short of greatness through no fault of the camera. The camera has gone into the jungle with such......

A Hundred Years Ago

A young woman suffering under this affliction, and who had, about fourteen days ago, taken four hundred and eighty drops of laudanum, and whose life was saved by using Read's......