Conceivably there are a few respectable political philosophers in, say,
the middle class who arc willing to consider the possi- bility of Sovietism as a workable alternative to democracy, and yet these philosophers do not want anarchy, and would probably be willing to join any League that could be proved necessary for the prevention of revolution. Let us have every- body in who is a good citizen. The good citizen is he who says that lie will obey the will of the majority legally and constitu- tionally expressed and be loyal to it, even when he does not personally like it. He will work, of course, to alter a law he dislikes, but till it is altered ho will obey it. The one thing ho will not tolerate is that Labour leaders or great financiers or capitalists should try to impose tho will of a minority upon the majority. Indeed, the function of a British Legion or Liberty League might be defined in a single sentence : " Stand by and maintain the will of the people."