The Dread Of A Profit.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.] Sia,—As a constant reader of the Spectator and the many thoughtful letters appearing in its columns on the present moral and financial......
Nationalization And Workers' Control. (to The Editor Of...
SPECTATOR.") Sia,s—A section of the Labour Movement is demanding the control of nationalized industries by Workers' Committees. This is supposed to be the alternative to......
The Situation In Palestine. [to The Editor Of The "
SPEDTATOR.'] SIR, I regret that Colonel Patterson has misconceived the object of my article. In common with many people, I sym- pathize with the wish of some Jews to make their......
[to The Editor Op The " Spectator.] "im,—the Three Articles
in your excellent paper under this heading, if I may say so, do not emphasize sufficiently the sharp distinction between profit-making that is beneficial and profit-taking that......
Profit—rate Per Cent.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.) am sorry I missed Mr. Turnbull's letter which Mr. Goulding Cutts refers to in your issue of March 6th, but Mr. Goulding Cutts must see the......