Mr. J. H. Thomas, Who Presided, Spoke With No Uncertain
voice, and was as convincing as he always is when he puts hesitation aside. Mr. Clynes was also extremely good with his penetrating phrase : " You declare a general strike and......
Now That The Direct Actionists Are Fairly And Squarely...
the time has come for all those who do not want fresh challenges to our well-proved methods of governing ourselves in content- ment and prosperity to band themselves together......
A Memorable Stage In The History Of The Irish Contro-
versy was reached on Wednesday when the Ulster Unionist Council decided to give a qualified support to the Home Rule Bill. The discussion turned mainly upon the question whether......
The Council Reaffirmed Their Belief That The Best Thing For
Ireland and the whole Empire was the maintenance of the Union, but they added that in view of the fact that a substitute admittedly had to bo found for the Home Rule Act of......
News Of The Week
• A S we go to press we learn the result of the voting at the Special Trade Union Congress summoner to decide " how" the Government should be forced to accept nationalization.......
Such A League Must Not Air Sectional Grievances, It Must
not tilt against carefully erected bogies which some people will never admit to be bogies at all. It must content itself with asserting the broadest principle of defending the......
Conceivably There Are A Few Respectable Political...
the middle class who arc willing to consider the possi- bility of Sovietism as a workable alternative to democracy, and yet these philosophers do not want anarchy, and would......
* * The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any Cuticles
or letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......