AS we go to press we learn the result of the voting at the Special Trade Union Congress summoner to decide " how" the Government should be forced to accept nationalization. The delegates were asked to say whether the Government should be forced by Direct Action—that is, a general strike— or by Political Action—that is, legitimate persuasion of the electorate by Constitutional means. The result was a smashing victory for the constitutionalists. The figures were on a, card vote 3,870,000 against 1,050,000. Once again common-sense, the almost universal existence of which among the manual workers we have never questioned, has triumphed. There is no doubt about the significance of this great success for moderation and for true democracy as against the heady doc- trines of the hall-baked followers of Marx. Direct Action is " down and out," in the phrase of the moment, for a long time to come.