(TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Siu,—Charles Booth died in November, 1916. He was a man to whose fruitful labours in almost unexplored fields of social and industrial research some public memorial is due, but during the war it was not thought advisable to issue an appeal for any object not directly connected with the national welfare. Now that peace has been signed, the time has come when we believe that all who knew Charles Booth personally, and many who knew him only through his work, will be glad to contribute towards a fund to perpetuate his memory.
Charles Booth was born in Liverpool and lived there for a large part of his life, and a very interesting piece of his work of investigation was conducted there. Liverpool is still the headquarters of the great businesses founded by him and his brother Alfred. It has therefore been decided that no memorial to him would be more fitting than the endowment of some object in connexion with Liverpool University. The Council of that University, who warmly welcome the proposal, have pledged themselves that in the event of a sum of money being handed to the University sufficient to endow a Chair for their Social Studies School, they will gladly call it "The Charles Booth Chair." They further suggest that if the sum collected is substantially in excess of a Professorship Endowment, they will regard it as a fitting tribute to the memory of one of the earliest recipients of the University's Honorary Degrees to call the existing school the "Charles Booth School of Social Studies." For such an endowment we think it would be neces- sary to raise £50,000. We believe this task ought to be possible. Donations (which may he spread over three years) may he sent to the Bank of Liverpool and Martins, Walter Street, Liver- pool.—We are, Sir, &c.,
GEORGE ADAMI (Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University). H. R. BIRMINGHAM.
Stanfield House, High Street, Hampstead, N.B.. 3.
P.S.—Any communications should be forwarded to Mr. Jesse Argyle (at the above address), who is acting as Secretary to the Memorial.