POEMS WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION.—Black Marigolds. By E. Powys Mathers. (Oxford
: B. H. Blackwell. Is. 6d. net.)— A feverish Eastern love poem.—Poems. By Beatrice Mayor. (Allen and Unwin. 2s. 6d. net.)—Poems : Second Boole. By Edith Anne Stewart. (The Swarthmore Press. is. 3d. net.)— Competent poems on Biblical subjects.-1919.. By Norman Anglin. (Sherratt and Hughes. 2s. 6d. net.)—Love songs and sailor slang. The titles " White Dawn of Desire " and " Drunken Liberty-men " show the type.—Vae Victi.s. By Edward J. Thompson, M.O. (The Epworth Press. Is. net.)—A soldier's plea for vengeance on the Turk, who, not content with the crucifixion of Armenia, starved half Syria to death New Navy. By Rear-Admiral R. A. Hopwood, C.B. (John Murray. 4s. 6c1. net.)—A delightful book of sea ballads, full of spirit and freshness.