WORK OF REFERBNCE.—The Year's Art, 1920, compiled by A. C.
R. Carter (Hutchinson, 75. 6d. net), is the forty-first annual Witte of a most useful book. The editor in his Preface regrets that our sculptors have not distinguished themselves so far in the production of war memorials. He suggests that the vacant buttresses of the Victoria Embankment provide " the oppor- tunity for a great series of memorial groups to the sailormen who won our salvation at sea." The illustrations include a photograph of Romney's " Beckford Children," sold for 52,000 guineas at the Hamilton Palace sale, and a photograph of the interesting silver-gilt cup, in the form of a globe, which once belonged to Sir Francis Drake, and which was sold for £3,800 last July. We must note that the sending-in days of the Royal Academy appear to be wrongly given in the calendar.