We are glad to know that a British School of
Archaeology, under Professor Garstang, is to be established in Jerusalem, and that the Prince of Wales has become its patron. British scholars, working through the Palestine Exploration Fund, have done admirable work for many years past in the Holy Land, and now that the Turk has been expelled they will be able to continue their researches under happier conditions. The new School will form a base for explorations not only in Palestine but also in Syria, Moab, and Sinai, and it is proposed to found a branch of the School at Baghdad. There is a vast field for archaeological inquiry in those regions, now at last freed from barbaric rule. Tho British School at Jerusalem deserves every encouragement. We hope that mon and women of all classes and creeds will hasten to enrol themselves as subscribers at its office at 2 Hinde Street, Manchester Square.