Alum-ED-At Gravesend, 7th Nov. Elizabeth and Henry. Clark, Yrom Sidney ; 6th, Pilgrim, Francis. from Ceylon; Arab, Baker, from Mauritius • and Bolton, Davidson, from the Cape ; 9th, Queen, Hutton, from China ; Success, Bout, from Calcutta ; Jane Erskine, Baillie, from Madras ; Tuscan, Silver; and Dublin, Skelton, from Ceylon ; 1 1 th, Honduras, Cayzer, from Sidney ; Hunlayoon, Cameron ; and Wm. Stewart, Jamieson, from China ; Stebonheath, Knight, from Madras ; Edmonstone, Peek, from Calcutta ; Earl of Ripon, Kellow ; and Thames, Gardner, from Ceylon ; and Sovereign, Loath, from Bombay. In the Downs, 1 Ith, Saloplan, 3I'Lauchlan, from China. At Liverpool, 7th, The Duke, Carson, front Calcutta ; Herculean, Patricksen ; and Ellen, BraithWafte, from Bombay; and Courier, 'Johnson, from Mauritius; 9th, Blonde, Fildes. from Singapore; Majestic, Brown, from Calcutta ; Prince of Orange, Smith ; John Moore, Wititycombe ; and Fanny, High, from Bombay ; 10111, Fatima, Wil- son, from Calcutta ; and Elora, Turnbull, from.Bombay. In the Clyde, 6th, Eliza Stewart, Henderson, from Calcutta ; and Elides, Chivas, from Bombay. At Dublin, 7th, Fairy Queen, Richardson, from Calcutta. At Cork, 6th, Kandiana, Halbert, from.Caleatta ; 7th, Arabian, Robertson ; and Orpheus, MiNelll, front Batavia ; and 8th, Lavinia, IPPbee, from Bombay.
SAILED-From Gravesend, 5th Nov. Diana, Pugh ; and Golden Spring, Poole, for Bombay ; and Arabia, Brown, for Madras; 6th, Eleanor, Strettel ; and Lesmoyne, Boob, ibr Ceylon ; and 11th, Rajasthan, Stewart, for Bombay.