A French Steam-ship Arrived At Havre On Thursday Last, With
intelli- gence from New York to the 25th October, and from Mexico to the 28th September. It is all meagre. The American army still occupied Mexico, and had been joined by the......
The Oonge D'elire Addressed To The Dean And Chapter Of
Manchester arrived yesterday; and the Chapter will proceed next week to the election of the Bishop. In the City yesterday, two more failures were announced—that of Messrs.......
We Shall Also Endeavour, Next Week, To Make Some Use
of the paper on Ireland sent to us by AL N.......
By The Latest Advices From Italy, It Appears That There
have been very energetic rejoicings at Nice, Florence, and Bologna, to celebrated the re- forms granted by King Charles Albert. A Roman journal states that the Archduchess of......
SATURDAY NIGHT. The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland has issued his expected proclamation for the repression of outrage. It is in the form of a circular to the Lieu- tenants of......
Money 51arke .
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArixtMooa. Daring the week some important arrivals of gold from the Continent have taken place, and the position of the Bank of England with regard to its......