A French steam-ship arrived at Havre on Thursday last, with
intelli- gence from New York to the 25th October, and from Mexico to the 28th September. It is all meagre. The American army still occupied Mexico, and had been joined by the different regiments which had been left behind. The reinforcements which were expected, and of which a part was already assembled at Vera Cruz, would augment their numbers to about twenty- five thousand men. The plan a General Scott appears to have been to fortify himself in his present position, and there await the movements of the enemy. Santa Anna, having given up all attention to civil affairs, ap- peared to be devoting himself with more vigour to military operations; especially to the duty of cutting off Scott's communicatious and reinforce- ments. First he attacked Puebla; and it would appear that he had re- taken the town, the invaders retaining the citadel: here Santa Anna with 3,000 men intended to dispute the passage of General Lane with 2,500.