Spurious Coin.
• TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. • Worcester, 9th November 1847. . Sm.—Allow me through your respectable journal to make an observation or -two upon the proposed alteration in......
Eight Vocalists, Dressed In Caps Of Light Crimson, Blue...
and spot- less white trousers, and calling themselves " Pyrenean Singers," stand in a semicircle on the boards of the Princess's Theatre, and execute a series of melodies, not......
The Theatres.
For a short one-act piece, the mere txhibition of a characteristic pecu- liarity, or of some delicate social position, will often suffice, with a mini- mum of progressive plot.......
The Manager Of The Blarylebone Theatre Has For The First
time since the oPening produced a new piece—a farce, entitled Morning Calls; the hero of which is one of those unlucky men who are dangerous to porcelain and new bonnets, and......
Topics Of The Day.
PACIFICATION OF IRELAND. IRELAND is more distracted than ever and unless the new Pai- liament is content to repeat the vain legislation of its predecessors, coercive or......
Labour-tickets Instead Of Alms.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 10th November 1847. Sin—Should the following suggestions be found worthy of attention, you will perhaps give them a place in your influential......
Money 51arke .
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY ArixtMooa. Daring the week some important arrivals of gold from the Continent have taken place, and the position of the Bank of England with regard to its......