Ebt Illttrogolfs.
The ceremony of swearing in the new Lord Mayor, Alderman Hooper, was performed at the Guildhall on Monday, with the usual ceremonies.
The great City pageant of the Lord Mayor's show was observed on Tues- day, the 9th, according to immemorial custom. About eleven o'clock, the civic authorities assembled in Guildhall, which was splendidly emballktied for the occasion; and there they partook of a magnificent breakfast. Soon after twelve, the procession started on its progress to Westminster; pro- ceeding down Queen Street and Thames Street to Blackfriars Bridge, the point of embarkation. The water procession reached Westminster a little before two. The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and others constituting the civic cortege, disembarked, and proceeded on foot to Westminster Hall; while the barge of the Stationers Company went on to Lambeth Palace, to make the usual presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury of the al- manacks for the ensuing year. The Lord Mayor, preceded by the City Marshals, and attended by the late Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Sheriffs, Aldermen, and Under-Sheriffs, entered the Court of Exchequer; where the Recorder introduced the Lord Mayor elect to the assembled Barons— Mr. Hooper, he said, had been unanimously chosen Lord Mayor by all the branches of the Corporation concerned in the election; and the general concur- rence had been mainly won by his personal qualities and high character. He had sustained the unblemished reputation earned by his father and grandfather in their long career as merchants in the foreign wine-trade. Mr. Hooper had been successively chosen a Common Councilman a Deputy, and Alderman of the Ward of Queenhithei and in 1842 he served the office of Sheriff, with the entire approbation of the Liverymen of London. The Lord Chief Baron addressed a few words of congratulation to the new Lord Mayor the usual oaths of office were administered by the Queen's Remmlu:eancer; the retiring Lord Mayor handed in his accounts; and the Recorder, in the name of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, gave the customary invitation to the Judges for the banquet at Guildhall. The civic authorities reembarked, and proceeded on their return to the scene of the evening's festivities.
The preparations for the banquet were on the grandest scale; the bill of fare extending to ultra-civic dimensions. The Lord Mayor occupied his usual post at the head of the table; on his right were the late Lord Mayor, the French Ambassador, Lord John Russell, and the Earl of Auckland; on his left, the Lady Mayoress the late Lady Mayoress, Lord Denman, Lord Chief Justice Wilde, the Lord Chief Baron, and Mr. Baron Rolfe; a host of other distinguished persons succeeded, on either side.
Due honour having been paid to the usual toasts, the Lord Mayor pro- posed "the health of his Excellency the French Minister," in connexion with the toast of the "Foreign Ambassadors." All felt, he said, how essen- tial it was to the peace of Europe and of the world that England and France should be united in the firm bonds of amity.
The Due de Broglie, speaking in French, cordially responded to this sen- timent on the part of his countrymen. "The aspirations which we form for England," he observed, "are the same which England forms for her own children."
"Grace a Dieu, nous ne vivons plus dans ens temps d'itroite jalousie, de rivalite olastinee, oil les nations ne voyaient leer grandeur et leer prosperite que daps rabaissement et la mine rune de rautre. Nous vivons dans les temps de pais et de liberte. Les arts de la pair soot feconds et fraternels. Tous les peuples pen- vent grandir ensembles an soleil de Is liberte; tons peuvent s'elever en civilisa- tion, en dignite morale, en Is science, en richesse, I pas inegaux pent-dire, xnais sans se porter envie. Nous voyons avec joie les progres de l'Angleterre. Nous admirons les fruits de son genie hardi et perseverant, lea tresors de son commerce, les merveilles de son industrie, italees, sous nos yeux, dans la magnificence de cette fete civique. Nous reconnaissons dans rhospitalite splendide qu'elle exerce silvers nous no nouveau temoignage de cc respect at cette affection pielle porte aux Princes des nations que nous representons ici. Ces sentimens sent reel- proques. Puissent-ils s'accrettre de jour en jour! L'Eurape leur doit déjà trente =lees de pals. Puisseut aes trente anodes etre suiviee de trente entree, at de trente autres encore! Puissent, de generation en generation, tons ceux qrn vien- dront, I pareil jour, eons remplacer dans cette enceinte, avoir droit, eomme nous, de se feliciter da passé at de compter sum l'aVenir!" The next toast was that of " Her Majesty's Ministers "; in whose sup- port, said the Lord Mayor, there never was a period when it more behoved all to lay aside politics and join heart and hand.
In returning thanks, Lord John Russell declared that the Ministry. would not hesitate to carry out, and even to exceed the law, if it should be necessary for the publio welfare. Adverting to the observations of the Duo de Broglie, Lord John avowed that his anxiety for the uninterrupted continuance of peace arose not more from a sense of the evils of war than from the experience of the advantages which the country had enjoyed from a peace of more than thirty years.
A variety of other toasts were disposed of in the usual manner before the feast was over.
The Polish grand ball is appointed for Wednesday next, at Guildhall. A host of popular singers have given their services for the occasion. The price of the tickets is the same as usual,—ll. Is. for a double ticket ad- mitting a lady and- gentleman, 158. for a gentleman's single ticket, and 10s. for a lady's.
At the Court of Exchequer, on Saturday, in the case of Goody versus Dun- combo, M.P., Mr. Wines moved for a rule to rescind an order made by Mr. Justice Williams, at chambers, during the late vacation, for the discharge of the defend- ant out of custody on the score of his privilege as a Member of Parliament. Ob- jection was taken to the appearance of the motion in the new trial-paper; and the Judges expressed some displeasure at the motion, as an unnecessary occupa- tion of the time of the Court: for even if the privilege of Parliament did not pro- tect Mr. Duneombe now, it would clearly do so on the 18th; before which day the motion could not bedisposed of Mr. Wines withdrew his application' for the time.
The case was again brought forward on Thursday, and the Court took time to consider.
The three men charged with cheating Mr. Katie at cards have been committed for trial by the Bow Street Magistrate. At Marylebone Police-office, Ann Simmons, her father, and Mr. Hickman, have leen again remanded on the charges against them—the first of robbing her em- ployers, and the other two of receiving the property. Mr. Ballantine endeavoured to obtain the discharge of Mr. Hickman; but Mr. Broughton, the Magistrate, does not seem to have expressed any opinion on that gentleman's position; merely, ob- serving that a remand must take pfa,ce in order to the examination of some more witnesses: Mr. Hickman to be admitted to bail.
William Sheridan, a clerk in the Excise, is in custody on a charge of poisoning ida mother, a widow in her seventieth year. An inquest has been commenced, and a prelimine7 eveminetion of the prisoner has taken place at Worship Street Police-office. From the evidence as yet adduced, it appears that the man lived with his mother and an unmarried sister in Mare Street, Hackney. There were frequent quarrels, especially between the brother and sister. The mother died on the 29th of last mouth, after a few days' illness; and the symptoms indicated poison. A post wrier,' examination confirmed this view: Dr. Letheby detected abundance of arsenic in the contents of the stomach and in the various organs of digestion. The sister was ill at the time of the old lady's death; and she accused William of poisoning both her mother and herself. The man declares that, not- withstanding his having allowed his mother and sister 701.s year, the sister hated him, and had said she would hang him if she could. Mr. Nelme, an old gentleman residing at Grove Place, Hackney, has died from poison, and an investigation into the affair is now going on. Mrs. Nelme and a daughter, Mrs. Allnott, are also alleged to have had arsenic given to them. The culprit in this mysterionivcase is suspected to be William Newton Allnntt, ahoy twelve years old, the son of Mrs. AllnntL On Wednesday, he was charged, at Worship Street Police-office, with having stolen from his grandmother a gold watch and other articles of jewellery, worth seventy guineas. The property had been missed, and a strict search was made. At length the boy confessed to his mother that he had stolen the articles; and, in accordance with his statement, they were found in the gutter of an adjoining house, where he had thrown them. Mrs. Nelme and the mother were too ill to appear against the accused. When asked if he wished to say anything, the boy burst into tears, and exclaimed "It is all true! but I was tempted to do it, and will never do so again." He was re- manded. Mrs. Bartrope, the wife of a tradesman in the Old Kent Road, has lost her life from the effects of an explosion of fireworks on the 5th. It seems that a box of combustibles had been detained at the Bricklayers' Arms terminus, it being unlawful to carry such articles on a railway; the fireworks were ordered to be destroyed, and the box had been carelessly deposited in a wash-house during the process; into this place Mrs. Bartrope ran to escape from a cracker; and a rocket, which had taken a horizontal direction, fired the contents of the case; there was a violent explosion, and Mrs- Bartrope was frightfully burned. The Coroner's Jury, in their verdict on this case, censured the lax manner of doing business at the terminus.