The Times has got a sort of diseased appetite for
attacking Mr. Gladstone, whether he be right or whether he be wrong, and for attacking him with a sort of malice that can have but one result, to make its readers take no account of what it says of him. On Monday, it showered sneers on Mr. Gladstone for not speaking out on the Bulgarian Question, remarking that "it was as the champion of Bulgarian liberty that Mr. Gladstone- emerged from the obscurity of his retreat ten years ago." Of course it was ; but at that time the Government was, in his belief, and that of most of the people of this country, exerting British influence against Bulgarian liberty and on behalf of the Turks. Now, the Government is doing just the opposite ; and when the Leader of the Opposition agrees with the Government, he is not called upon to make a great stir in order to say so. However, as a matter of fact, Mr. Gladstone had written a letter on the day before the Times made this sarcastic attack upon him, informing the Bulgarian leaders how completely the whole country sustains the attitude of the Government. To say more would be to pledge us to war with Russia on their behalf, and for this no party is at present prepared.