ANDY BYRNE. [Tim Delany, & small Munster landlord, come over to England to sell cattle, sitting in the tap-room of a pnbro-honse in the market-town.1 WELL, ye're afther cappin'......
How To Help The Unemployed.
[To xins EDITO1 or TILE "SrscruTos."] Sia,—Your article in the Spectator of November eth, on "The Unemployed," makes me desire to supplement your remarks on the great......
"sir Percival " As An Allegory.
[To THE EDITOR OP ml " SPECTATOR:] Sur.,—The able review in the Spectator of November 6th of Mr. Shorthouse's last work, "Sir Percival," has claimed my atten- tion for two......
"forest Outlaws."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."' Sra,—Your reviewer concludes an appreciative notice of my book, "Forest Outlaws," by gibbeting as two careless mistakes, first, that I have......