Sir Graham Berry's Address At The Colonial Institute On...
on "The Colonies in Relation to the Empire," is of very great interest as illustrating one of the most serious difficulties of Federation. Sir Graham Berry attacked the foreign......
Mr. Chaplin Is Performing The Function Of Drag On The
progres- sive elements in the Tory-Democratic Government,—especially apparently on Lord Randolph Churchill. Yesterday week, he made a great speech at Radcliffe against closure......
We Accidentally Did An Injustice To The Irish Lord Chief
-Justice Morris last week, writing by a slip of the pen his name for that of Mr. Justice Monroe as refining orders of eviction until the position of the tenant was made clear.......
The Dean Of Durham Writes An Interesting Letter To Friday's
Times in favour of the "Church House" memorial of the Queen's Jubilee, on condition that it shall be recognised as the signal of a union between the two Convocations of York and......
Sir James Bacon, "the Last Of The Vice-chancellors,"...
Wednesday, at the great age of eighty-eight, but none the less in full possession of his judicial faculties, as his admirable speech in replying to Sir R. Webster's graceful......
Mr. Reaney, Who Represents, We Believe, A Great Religious...
and who signed the Bishop's letter on the distress, protests against the cost—E2,500--of the banquet at Guildhall. It might have given a dinner, he says, to 200,000 men, or fed......
It Is Hardly Safe To Tell The Theoretic Truth When
it can be made available on behalf of a hundred impostures ;—that is the moral of a very impressive letter written by Sir Louis Mallet,— one of the ripest and wisest of our......