The Dean of Durham writes an interesting letter to Friday's
Times in favour of the "Church House" memorial of the Queen's Jubilee, on condition that it shall be recognised as the signal of a union between the two Convocations of York and
Canterbury, and shall therefore herald the convocation of a true Church Synod. On that condition, Dr. Lake thinks that the 'building of such a house would be a worthy monument to the labours of the Church during the last hail-century. We quite agree with him that this would add much imaginative signifi- -cance to the scheme. Still, if the Church is to raise a separate monument of the progress made during the last fifty years, we think that it ought to meet the views of those who have them- selves done the greater part of the work. And it is quite 'certain that the Church House scheme does not meet the views -of the great majority of hard-working clergymen.