CAPTAIN BOWEN-COLTH VEST. [To sne End. or THE " Serersma")
Sui—Is it not sad that the love of justice for its own sake seem,
to have no power to move English statesmen Their only care seems to be to pious° those who clamour. This is the explanation why, when the Sinn Feiu murderers are again at large in this unhappy country, Captain Boweu-Colthurst 'remains shut up with criminal lunatics, although, so far as one can gather, he is as normal and sane in mind as he ever was. Small wonder that the suffragettes in days of old thought that by disturbance of the peace alone could their point he gained : the behaviour of the Government is well calculated to force that conclusion even oh the most pence-lot ing citizens. And in my opinion that is a con- clusion fraught with infinite danger to the State.-1 am, Sir, dec.,