The National Memorial [to Rite Editor Or Me...
a mother—as well as grandmother—who has given hostages to the present war of diabolical ambition, the letter iu your issue of September 1st on " The National War Memorial "......
Poetry In The Air.
[To TIER EDITOR or sax "Sescraros."1 Sun,—It is a pity that either the " Westminster boy." or " His Father," or the printer did not look up the text before asking you to print......
East Indians In Fiji [to Tue Entroa Or Ma "
Sescritos."] Spa—Australian mails which were sunk last month mutained the issue of the Spectator for May 26th. Thus the only intimation I have received of your review of my......
['la The Editor Or Mr. .• Dm-think:1
Sia—The following extract from n letter written by Sydney Smith to John Allen on Murat 10th, 1814, requires little alteration to adopt it to the present European situation:- "......
Trees In The Subfriss.
[To THE Enron or rpm bererrrox.") SIR,—Although most of us would prefer to have too many trees than too few, Dime is sound wisdom in what your correspondents have said as to "......
[To THE EDITOR or TUE •• SrECTATOs. - 3 SIR,-1 do net know from what "geography books" your corre- spondent takes his deseription of Heligoland as " a low-lying but the cliffs......
The Teeth Of The Army.
[To TUE EDITOR OF TUE •• SFECTATOR.”] Sta,--Allow me to thank you for opening your columns to a letter on this subject. At the outbreak of the war the British Dental......
The Canadian Boat Song.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE SPLCIRTOR."1 San,—As a long-time render of the Spectator, and as one who for an number of yens has been interested in the recurring anal keen controversy......
Mr. L.tnsind's Address.
[To TUE Eurms or our "Sencriros."1 Sta—Last Sunday I read iu church Mr. Lansing's address to Da. O.T.C. in New York, reprinted by you iu your number of Septem- ber 15th. It is......
Fruit.trees For France.
Ifs THE EDITOA or THE " SriferATOS."1 Sis.—You have been so very good in grannies me spur V in your paper for two letters regarding the gift of fruit-trees for France from the......