The International Information. Committee Has Just...
in its useful series, The Commonwealth of Australia, by Mr. Evans Lewis, and New Zealand, by Mr. H. Scholefield (Allen and Unwin, Is. not each). These pamphlets give, in......
Early Illustrated Books. By Alfred W. Pollard. (kogan...
6d. net.)—Mr. Pollard's admirable essay on the illustrated books of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries has after twenty-four years reached a second and cheaper edition. If in......
My 1vood Fires Sad Their Story. By W. Robinson. (newnes.
5s. net.)—Mr. Robinson lives in an Elizabethan manor house, of which he gives us some delectable photographs, and he has found, that the old open hearths and wide chinmeys,......
The Trustees Of Dr. Williams's Charity And Library In Gordon
Square have printed A Short Account of the Charity and Library to commemorate the bicentenary of the trust founded iu 1716. The Rev. R. T. Herford, Mr. S. K. Jones, and the Rev.......
A Boswell Of Baghdad. By E. V. Lucas. (methuen And
Co. is. net.) — Mr. Lucas's new volume of light essays, which are as usual very good reading, takes its title from a paper on Ihn KlmIlikanys biographical dictionary of Arabian......
As A Cum Piece Of American Oratory, Instinct With True
patriotism, se commend to our readers Mr. James M. Beck's address to the Patriotic Service League in New York, which is published under the title Warns the Committees (Patriotic......
Short Ratio.. By Madeleine Doty. (methuen And Co. 5s. Net.)
—Visa Doty, an American journalist, spent the summer of 1916 in Germany, partly in carefully aupervised tours, partly in visits to Socialist friends who were working secretly......
D(411.13 In /refund. By Marie Harrison. (andrew Melrose....
author of this book describes the increased material prosperity of Ireland in recent years and analyses it into its com- ponent factors individual private enterprise, the growth......