[To THE Snares or THE SPECIATOR."l
Sm,—The great Marine charities of this country have through long years rendered continuous and much needed service to the seafaring membors of the community. Owing to the stress of war, heavy calls hare been made Mien their resources, and 'these are likely to increase rather than diminish. In the wide field of their combined activities these'eharities minister to the manifold needs of the sailor, while helping to lessen his anxieties for the dear ones at home. The institutions include Seamen's Hospital's, Hostels, Orphanages, Training Schools and Ships, Peniion and Destitute Fiinds. Their benefits are exiended to the Men of the Royal Navy and its auxiliaries, the Royal Marines, the Merchant Service, thO minesweepers and fisherMen, and to all " who go down to the sea in ships." To meet the need for their fuller and more sustained support, King GeMge's Fund for Sailors hes been founded. The King has graciously consented to:become Patron or the Fund, and His Royal Highness Prince Albert has accepted the office of President, and at his request I have undertaken the duties of Chairman. At the inaugural -meeting at the Mansion House the First Lord.of the Admiralty stated: " TIM King 'in commanding that this Fund shall be called by his name sends no one more message of his interest in his sailor population, and his earnest prayer and desire that the nation may liberally and splendidly respond to the appeal which is nos- being made." To-day, when the safety of our shares, and indeed the existence of the Empire, depend no largely upon the endurance and self-sacrifice of British seamen, I confidently rely upon a sympathetic and generous sup- port of the public to our appeal, in the belief that what has been achieved in fearless action, ceaseless watching, and patient waiting is not forgotten, and that the debt owed to the Navy and Merean tile Marine will be fully and heartily discharged. Contributions may be sent to me addressed to King George's Fund for Sellers, Trinity Hone, London, E.C. 3. Cheques should be made payable to "King George's Fund for Sailors," and crossed "Bank of
Clarence House, S.W.
[No Fund ever had a greater certainty of popularity than this for which the Duke of Connaught appeals. What we owe to our seamen, who, in the famous Elizabethan' phrase, have vowed the hazard of their lives. cannot be expressed. We owe to them our
food, our security, life itself. King George's Fund is designed to feed the existing charities for seamen, to prevent overlapping• and to reduce the costs of collection. Those w•ho are doubtful which particular charity to support may send their money to this Fund in the happy conviction that it will ho applied to the best uses.— ED. Spectator•.]